Abhishek Gupta

Hey, My name is Abhishek Gupta

Hello, I am Abhishek Gupta, pursuing B tech in CSE from University Institute Of Engineering And Technology (UIET), Kathua, J&K and currently in my final year. I'm currently learning Python, Data Science and Data Structures. Favourite Language is Python. I have a huge interest in Data Science and Machine Learning.

About Me I am a passionate Data Science enthusiast, currently immersed in the study of Data Science and Machine Learning. Equipped with a strong foundation in Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and Database Management Systems (DBMS). Committed to continuous learning and eager to explore the vast and dynamic realms of Data Analytics and Machine Learning in the pursuit of becoming a proficient Data Scientist.

Works on:

Coding Profiles:


Dec 2022 - Jan 2023

Intern - ThinkNext Pvt Ltd., Chandigarh

- Learned about Python programming language and Django.
- Developed a "Digital Resume" with database storage in collaboration with my team.
- Learn HTML, CSS for making the frontend of the Digital Resume.

Jun 2023 - Jul 2026

Summer Intern - Nucleon @ IIT, Jammu

- Acquired hands-on experience in cleaning and preprocessing data using Python's Pandas library.
- Applied efficient data cleaning techniques, transforming raw datasets into meaningful insights.
- Developed a strong understanding of data preprocessing techniques, including data normalization, data scaling, and data encoding.
- Exploring WordPress, Wix, and no-code for website creation and management.



B.TECH - UIET, Kathua, J&K

Pursuing my Bachelors in the field of Computer Science and Engineering from University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kathua.


Schooling - BBSVP, Udhampur, J&K

I completed both my secondary and senior secondary schooling from Brahmrishi Bawra Shanti Vidya Peeth, Udhampur.

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